Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dinosaur Themed Preschool Craft Idea: Archeological Painting

Archeological Painting: T-rex Discovered
Here is another really simple and fun dinosaur themed craft suitable for a preschooler or a tot-schooler. It is basically painting a crayon resist drawing with watercolor paints and making it dinosaur themed to go along with our unit study. The boys had so much fun painting and I was really surprised at how careful both of them were. You can print out your own dinosaur skeletons to trace from my free printables availabe here.

Preschool (or Tot-school) Craft Idea: Painting Dinosaurs and Dinosaur Bones

  • Paper and pen or dinosaur coloring sheets
  • Watercolor paints (Homemade works great!)
  • Paintbrushes
  • White crayons or oil pastels
  1. Print out some dinosaur coloring pages, or draw dinosaurs and/or their skeletons on some paper.
  2. Place a second sheet of paper over the coloring sheet, and trace the outline heavily with white crayon or oil pastel.
  3. Have the kids paint over the entire page with watercolor paints to reveal the dinosaur who was hiding there.
The boys had lots of fun painting dinosaur skeletons and regular dinosaur coloring pages. I had thought this project was going to make a much bigger mess, but even Andrew (19 months) was really careful and there wasn't much mess from the paint. What little paint did get on their hands and the table washed off really easily. 

Painting regular coloring pages


    1. Super cute! - I linked to this on my blog.

    2. Loved this! My son loves dinosaurs. Great idea.

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    4. Hello Anna! My name is Oksana. I am developer of the children's game about dinosaurs.
      I really liked your lesson drawing dinosaurs. I made a blog post about your lesson and provide a link to your article.
      if you're interested you can be viewed here -
      thank you :)

    5. Just shared our version of this super idea on Instagram. Have linked back to you.

      Thank you for the download! :)


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