At 5 months:
- He is quite vocal and babbles a lot.
- He can push himself backwards when he is on his tummy.
- He can roll from front to back and back to front, but doesn't often, because he has a tendency to roll off our play-mat and hit his head on the hard fake wood floor.
- He seriously wants to try eating everything and loves tasting anything that we let him, but is still growing fine on primarily just milk.
- He is 17 pounds 12 ounces and 27.5 inches.
- He is wearing 9 month clothing now.
- He really wants to do everything his big brothers do. And I have never seen a baby show such determination and persistence as this little one. At this point motor skills don't seemed to be his natural gift (like Andrew), but he like he will eventually learn anything he wants through sheer determination.
- He loves to give kisses now (especially to mommy).
- His brothers like to jump in whenever I am trying to get pictures of just the baby.
- He can drool A LOT!