We also want to be a little more consistent in exposing the boys to Mandarin. We're not expecting them to be fluent by a certain age or anything, but we want to make sure that they are at least getting a lot of practice in listening to this difficult tonal language, at this age where language learning is still quite natural for them.
Since I do blog about our Mandarin learning, I'm going to share my personal goals in this area, if only for personal accountability. Perhaps someone else may want to look into these Mandarin resources as well. I've tried to be fairly specific and break my goals into bite-sized pieces since that is the only way to eat an elephant (or fish head as is more likely here) or any other difficult task. If life completely changes and these goals become completely unrealistic, I'll be okay with that too, but for right now, this seems like a very doable amount of study and a way to challenge myself in a good way.
Week Day Goals
- Listen to 2 or more ChinesePod lessons
- Work through 1 chapter of Learning Chinese Characters
- Work through 1 chapter of Chinese Language Learning for Foreigners
- Write 1 Mandarin Monday post about something I've been learning
- Listen to all ChinesePod lessons we have downloaded through lower intermediate level
- Finish Learning Chinese Characters Book
- Finish Chinese Language Learning for Foreigners Books 1 and 2
- 50 Mandarin Monday posts
Week Day Goals
- Go through about 20 Chinese picture flashcards
- Listen to at least 1 short ChinesePod newbie lesson
- Have the boys listen to all appropriate ChinesePod lessons at the newbie level
So, those are my goals for Mandarin learning in 2012. Hopefully, I will see a lot of progress this year and maybe prevent Alzheimer's later in life too.
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