Saturday, October 1, 2011

DIY Pudding Recipes

Caramel and Chocolate Pudding
Here is the list of homemade pudding recipes I have made. All of these are great, so much better than boxed versions. If you have never made pudding from scratch before, this recipe has pictures for each step that may be helpful.

All of these recipes are great made into pudding pops too!

DIY Peanut Butter Pudding

This homemade peanut butter pudding is creamy and delicious. I bet it would be fantastic combined with chocolate pudding.

Homemade Creamy Peanut Butter Pudding Recipe

  • ½ cup sugar
  • ½ cup peanut butter
  • 2 cups whole milk (divided)
  • 1 egg
  • 3 Tbsp cornstarch
  1. In a small mixing bowl, begin by stirring together ½ cup milk, egg, and cornstarch until well combined.
  2. In a medium saucepan, combine 1½ cups milk, sugar, and peanut butter. 
  3. Stir over medium heat to warm the milk.
  4. Take a couple of big spoonfuls (¼ to ½ cup) of the warm milk mixture, and add it into the cornstarch and egg mixture. Don't skip this step. This tempers the egg and prevents it from becoming a scrambled egg when adding it into the hot milk.
  5. Pour the cornstarch and egg mixture into the warm milk, and stir quickly to combine well.
  6. Continue to stir over medium heat until the pudding thickens and begins to bubble.
  7. You can serve this pudding warm (sounds good in the winter) or chill for at least 2 hours or up to 2 days and serve it cold.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Family Friday: Amazing Andrew

Andrew is at a really fun stage now. He is saying new words almost everyday and starting to use short sentences. Andrew loves hearing and telling stories now. One of his favorite stories is David and Goliath, which he calls Bump, Bump for the bumping sound Goliath might have made when he walks. He tells the story so sweetly. We want to catch it on video, but he usually doesn't cooperate.

His rendition usually goes something like this:

Bump, bump (Goliath)
tall, and holds a hand over his head (Goliath was tall)
choose man, holding hand over his mouth to make deep voice (choose a man to fight me)
rock (stones)
round (sling went round)
Bump, bump (Goliath)
down (fell down)
God win (God helped David win)
Hooray, holds hand up in the air (the people were glad!)

He is also starting to say words on his flashcards much more consistently. We'll see if this continues; it might be the start of him really reading.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

DIY Cappuccino Pudding

This one isn't for the kiddos, but is a great treat for moms. I bet it would be fantastic combined with chocolate pudding.

Homemade Coffee Pudding Recipe

  • ½ cup sugar
  • ½ cup strong coffee
  • 2 cups whole milk (divided)
  • 1 egg
  • 4 Tbsp cornstarch
  1. In a small mixing bowl, begin by stirring together ½ cup milk, egg, and cornstarch until well combined.
  2. In a medium saucepan, combine 1½ cups milk, sugar, and coffee. 
  3. Stir over medium heat to warm the milk.
  4. Take a couple of big spoonfuls (¼ to ½ cup) of the warm milk mixture, and add it into the cornstarch and egg mixture. Don't skip this step. This tempers the egg and prevents it from becoming a scrambled egg when adding it into the hot milk.
  5. Pour the cornstarch and egg mixture into the warm milk, and stir quickly to combine well.
  6. Continue to stir over medium heat until the pudding thickens and begins to bubble.
  7. You can serve this pudding warm (sounds good in the winter) or chill for at least 2 hours or up to 2 days and serve it cold.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

DIY Miniature Bean Bags

I been thinking about Christmas presents for a little while now, and one short project that I already finished were these cute miniature bean bags. I made a set of six for both Aaron and Andrew. I choose to make miniature ones and fill them with rice instead of beans. I did this for a couple of reasons. The small size is easier for their small hands to hold, and they will hurt brother less should his head accidentally get in the way of a bean bag. As they get bigger (and/or more careful), maybe I'll make them a bigger set. This quick and easy sewing project makes a great frugal gift for boys.

Make Your Own Bean (or Rice) Bags
  • fabric scraps
  • thread
  • sewing machine is optional
  • beans or rice to fill the bag
  1. Cut out two rectangles the same size for each bean bag you want to make. I cut my rectangles 3" by 4" for these miniature ones. For regular sized bean bags, I think 4" by 6" would be a good size.
  2. Place two rectangles right sides together. Stitch around three sides, leaving one open for turning and stuffing.
  3. Turn right side out.
  4. Fill with beans or rice.
  5. Whip or slip stitch the open side closed. Stitch very securely; you don't want the contents to spill everywhere.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Simple Christmas Planning

Christmas 2009, time really does fly by
Did you realize there are less than 100 days until Christmas? While in reality that is still more than 1/4 of a year left until Christmas, time flies as they say, so it will be here before you know it. A little planning ahead of time can make the season much more blessed and less stressed. This is especially true if you want to make any of the gifts you are going to give.

Personally, I tend to start Christmas planning really, really early. I love Christmas, and I love making presents. Usually, I begin to plan what I want to make for Christmas in July after we celebrate Father's day, birthdays, and our anniversary. In looking for birthday ideas for Aaron and Nate, I usually have found a couple of ideas that I want to make but didn't have time to do for their birthdays. I then begin to think about the other people on our list and which gifts I want to make and which we want to purchase. I usually start a list with everyone's names and write down gift ideas as we think of them. Then I use this list to keep track of what we've made or bought and what still needs to be done. This gives my plenty of time to start working on presents slowly over the next months, instead of staying up all Christmas Eve trying to finish everything for everyone. This plan doesn't always happen perfectly, but at least it gets me thinking.

Christmas Eve 2009

Andrew was born exactly one week before the Christmas of 2009. That year we had to plan a simple Christmas. I really wanted to get everything done ahead of time that year. I spent my nesting energy making a few simple Christmas presents and treats ahead of time, so we could just rest and enjoy our time together as a little family on the actual holidays. We also had to scale way back on what we usually do for that particular Christmas, buying, making, and visiting. At the time, part of me did wish I could do more, but it was a simple and sweet holiday. It was good because it made us as a family focus on what was truly important. We didn't see all of our extended family right on those holidays, but found ways to connect and celebrate with them.

I think our families all know that we love and appreciate them regardless of how much (or little) we are able to buy, make, or see them at Christmastime. At least it is my prayer that we would be able to make sure everyone knows they are loved and cherished, regardless of anything else. Realizing we don't have to and can't do it all is freeing. We try to figure out what God would have us focus on for the celebration of the birth of His Son and ask for his help to do just that. If the rest of the long to-do list I've made for myself never gets done, I try not to be hard on myself. I know that I've done my best, and the rest is really just stuff after all.

If you are looking for inspiration for Christmas planning, I've come across some resources that might be helpful. I think they have some great ideas.

Life as Mom has a free Christmas planning ebook.

Life your way has a free ebook and Christmas planner. The are also doing a 101 days until Christmas series.

The Happy Housewife is doing a series of 100 days of handmade gifts for Christmas.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Mandarin Mondays: 太极拳

Walking on bumpy walking track
This past Saturday I got on the bus to go do my English tutoring, closely followed by a man with a very long sword. Now I know my parents and in-laws probably don't like that statement one bit, but give me a chance to explain. I was perfectly safe, so don't start worrying.

You see people always follow you closely when you get on a bus here; you pretty much have to push or get pushed on. Your other option is to get on last which is what I usually do, but I happened to be in the middle of a bunch of people this time, so that wasn't an option. This still isn't explaining the man with the sword though, is it?

He was a tall (for here), older gentleman, grandly arrayed in colorful silk. He was followed closely by a petite older lady (who I assume is his wife), who was also dressed in silk and carrying a large sword. But the part that I have been leaving out is that the swords are fake, completely harmless, like toys for big kids or stage props. Things quite often here aren't what they seem to be at first glance. You can see people everyday in the public parks using swords to practice their Tai Chi (dǎ tài jí quán, 打太极拳). I am pretty sure most of them couldn't hurt anyone, even if they were trying really hard.

The tai chi (tài jí quán, 太极拳) they practice here is not at all how I pictured this "martial art." Sure they use sword as props, but just as the swords and older people are harmless, so are the actions of tai chi (tài jí quán, 太极拳). It is mostly slow, small, stretching movements. They also walk on paths, sometimes barefoot on bumpy rocks.

In fact the practice that seems most dangerous about this group of exercises is when those who performing tai chi hit themselves. It can be a little alarming at first to see older people hitting themselves all over, mostly their arms and legs, but sometimes even their heads. However, they aren't really trying to hurt themselves, at least I don't think they are. I believe they view it as a massage and a way to increase their blood flow.

So don't be to alarmed if you are walking down the streets in town and see people carrying swords or hitting themselves; things are not always how they seem. It is important to remember that as someone who grew up in a different culture, things often have different meanings when properly interpreted in their own culture.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Train Themed Preschool Activity: Numbers or Ten Commandment Train

We're having a lot of fun with our train themed preschool activities this month. Trains are a great tool to help teach young boys about sequencing things correctly. We also did fun alphabet train activities that used these same methods. You could apply this idea to other things you want them to learn in a sequential order as well.

Ten Commandments or Numbers Train

  • Ten commandments train printed out and cut apart (or numbers written on flashcards and an picture of an engine)
Have the child arrange the numbers in the correct order; offer help as needed. Once they get all of the numbers in the correct order, they can put the engine at the end to pull the train!

Numbers Train Writing Practice

I thought these cute worksheets were a nice addition to our train themed reusable preschool book. Aaron and Andrew can write on them over and over again.

    Saturday, September 24, 2011

    Easy One-Dish Dinner: Pancit

    This is a easy Asian style dish that is really popular in the Philippines. It is similar to the fried noodles (chǎo miàn  炒面) that are popular in China as well, but there is less oil and more meat and vegetables in this version. When I was working in a hospital, I worked with Filipino nurses and love it when they brought this dish to share. We had a Filipino friend over recently, and I wanted to try making pancit for her. She thought this recipe was pretty similar to what they make back at her home.

    Easy Pancit Recipe

    • 1 (12 ounce) package dried rice noodles
    • 2–3 Tbsp oil
    • 1 onion (diced)
    • 1–3 cloves minced garlic
    • 2 chicken breasts (diced)
    • 1 small head cabbage, (thinly sliced)
    • 3 carrots (thinly sliced)
    • 1/4 cup soy sauce
    • 2 lemons cut into wedges (if desired for garnish)

    1. Soak your rice noodles in water, or boil briefly to soften. The noodles should still be a little al dente.
    2. In a large frying pan or wok, heat the oil, and begin to cook the onion and garlic.
    3. Add in the chicken, and cook meat thoroughly.
    4. Then add the vegetables, frying just until they begin to soften.
    5. Last add the noodles, frying to mingle the flavors and finish cooking the noodles.
    6. Season with soy sauce and lemon wedges if desired.

      Friday, September 23, 2011

      Family Friday: This Week in Snapshots

      Aaron's new trick: Funny glasses
      Three boys climbing trees
      The boys wanted to "swim" in the bathtub
      Bathtub crayons
      Andrew's new trick: Stuffing toys in his shirt


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