Friday, November 29, 2013

Giving Thanks When Life Seems Unfair

This week I am going along with our Thanksgiving book, The Thanks Giving Tree: Seeing Blessings Everywhere, and taking a moment to share things that I personally am thankful for.

It can be easy for me to feel like my life is extra hard sometimes, to feel like life isn't fair. Nobody ever guaranteed that life would be "fair." But in reality many things in my life are actually way more than fair, in my favor.

  1. I get to see my husband a lot, way more than many wives.
  2. I get to spend lots of time with my kids, way more than many people.
  3. We have wonderful extended family, whom we are much closer to than many other people, despite our geographical distance.
  4. We have electricity and running water that rarely go out, a much higher standard of living than many of the world's people.
  5. We have lots of nutritious food, and actually can buy lots more fruit and vegetables for much less money here.
  6. We have more technology than almost anyone in history.
  7. We have more methods of communication than almost anyone in history.
  8. We have more ways to preserve memories than almost anyone in history.
  9. We have a whole new home Above to look forward too.
  10. We have more Hope and Peace.

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