Saturday, November 30, 2013

Giving Thanks for Good Gifts

This week I am going along with our Thanksgiving book, The Thanks Giving Tree: Seeing Blessings Everywhere, and taking a moment to share things that I personally am thankful for.

  1. I'm thankful for my parents working so hard to teach us their values growing up.
  2. I am thankful for my mom taking the time to show me how to sew, even though she no longer enjoyed it, both mending and sewing new things have saved us lots of money throughout the years.
  3. I am thankful for my father teaching me how to fix things, use tools, and build things. These basic skills have been used more, and in more ways, than I could have ever imagined.
  4. I am thankful for my Grandpa showing me how to waste not want not, use it up and wear it out, and how to save wrapping paper for later use. I might not have appreciated this attitude quite as much as a kid, but seeing potential instead of waste has helped us imensely.
  5. I'm thankful for my Grandma showing me how to bake bread, crochet, and hang up clothes on the clothesline. I think of her whenever I do these tasks.
  6. I'm Thankful for my Grandma showing me to proper way to make chocolate covered butter-cream candy, play word games, and laugh my way through life. Sometimes chocolate, fun, and laughter are all you need.
  7. I'm thankful that I can help teach these skills to my own children, passing down knowledge to the next generation.
  8. I'm thankful for my husband demonstrating unwavering trust time and time again, and helping me to grow my own ability to be sure of what we hope for and certain of those things we do not see. And for his patience whenever he teaches me anything technology related.
  9. I am thankful for my children teaching me to stop, enjoy the moment, enjoy the journey, and look at the big wide world with wonder again.
  10. I'm thankful to live in an age where I can look up how to do something on the internet.
And I'm thankful for an understanding family think my humble attempts at anything is great and who eat whatever I cook (even if that time I made pizza in a wok or made Piglet out of an old sweater wasn't actually the greatest in the world).

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