Saturday, April 19, 2014

Happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

DIY Strawberry Swirl Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream

I love chocolate. My husband likes chocolate, but often prefers fruit flavors like strawberry over chocolate. hence my obsession with combining strawberry and chocolate desserts. We both agree that this Strawberry Swirl Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream is amazing.

And this flavor combo is easy to achieve. Even easier with store bought ingredients but you can make all of the components at home as well. Take vanilla ice cream, when nearly frozen but still soft, mix in chocolate chunks and big globs of strawberry jam.

Friday, April 11, 2014

{Free} Glimpse of the Son: A Holy Week and Easter Devotional

Update 2015: All of our Family Devotionals are currently available on our family's educational site, Greenfield Education, A Glimpse of the Son: A Holy Week and Easter Devotional is now available in PDF form for free there.

My husband and I have been working on a family devotional to celebrate Easter as a family similar to our Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Valentine's Day books. We hope to make one for all of lent in the near future, but did not have time this year.

The good news for you is that we were able to finish a short version for holy week through Easter or Resurrection Sunday and we're giving the PDF version away for free.

If you would prefer the Kindle version, it is reasonably priced.

Excerpt from the Introduction

Easter or Resurrection Sunday is truly the most joyous of all holidays.

He arose!

He conquered death so that we all can live forevermore!

Nothing can compare to this great Good News and the whole family should get to share in the excitement. This short ebook shares a glimpse of the final days of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection in a way that attempts to involve everyone.

This book is divided into eight sections each with a reading, thoughts on the passage, discussion questions, and suggested songs and activities. We tried to include a variety of levels for the questions and activities so that this book would be applicable for a wide range of ages.
There are also printable resources including:
  • Cross and picture ornaments
  • My Resurrection Book cover and pages (so each child can make their own book)
  • Decorative printables for framing/displaying
Download A Glimpse of the Son PDF version here.

Want more free Easter books? Check out The Resurrection Story readers Levels 1-4 (free!) at Greenfield Education.

Download A Glimpse of the Son PDF version here.

Purchase the Kindle version here.

Check out The Resurrection Story readers Levels 1-4 here.

Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

DIY Nail Monogram Ornaments

I've been making some new Easter decor this year, and these nail monogram ornaments are one of my favorite additions. I used them to mark our hanging Easter baskets, but they would look great on an Easter tree as well.

These ornaments are so easy to make they hardly need a tutorial, but just in case, here it is anyway.

DIY Nail Monogram Ornaments

  • Nails
  • Wire (I used green florist wire, because it is what I had on hand, but I imagine wire that matched your nails would look even better)
  • Pliers and/or wire cutter
  • Thread, string, twine, leather, or more wire to hang ornament
  1. Arrange your nails to look like desired letter. 
  2. Cut short lengths of wire and twist around points where the mails meet.
  3. Create a loop to hang your ornament and attach.
Hang up, enjoy, and reflect on the reason for celebrating Easter.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Homemade Easter Treats: Chocolate Dipped Marshmallows

Another homemade Easter treat that I like to make is chocolate dipped marshmallows. They are quick and easy, fun and festive. Our boys think these are a huge treat.

Start with either homemade or store bought marshmallows. You can even even use the animal shaped ones. Maybe this year I'll try cutting out my own marshmallow shapes.

Melt some chocolate using your preferred method. (Here is how to and how not to melt chocolate.)

Dip in colored sugar or sprinkles and place on a cookie sheet to harden before packaging.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Easter Preschool Craft: Simple Pop-up Crosses

This simple project is an easy way for a preschooler to make a beautiful cross for Easter. We made our crosses quite large, about half a sheet of posterboard size to use for decorations. However, you could make these pretty crosses much smaller and cover them with another paper, to turn them into a lovely pop-up Easter card.

DIY Pop-up Cross

  • Posterboard, cardstock, construction paper, or other sturdy solid color paper (I think that a dark brown, blue, gray, or black would all give this craft a stained glass feel to it, but other colors would be pretty as well)
  • Small pieces of contrasting papers cut into small shapes and letters if you like (I used the scraps from these two cross projects, because colored paper is expensive here and I like to make use of all of it, and I think this is a fun project to make use of paper scraps. But you can just as easily use new paper and have you or your child cut all of the pieces out fresh. )
  • Gluestick or glue
  • Any other embellishments you like
  1. Fold you larger solid color piece of paper in half.
  2. Draw an outlitline of half of the cross.
  3. Cut (or have your child who can safely use scissors cut) out the main portion of the cross, leaving only the ends of the cross-beam attached.
  4. Cut out any pieces you want to decorate your cross with. We mostly used scraps that were already cut into pieces from these two other cross projects, so I only had to cut out the Alleluia and the flower at this time. You could also use pre-made letter stickers to spell out something instead of cutting your own letters.
  5. Glue the colored shapes and/or onto the cross and frame of the picture, being careful to not glue pieces over the edges of the cross. Allow glue to dry
  6. Once the glue has dried completely, fold the cross in from the center, opposite the original fold, to make the cross "pop-up."
Now your cross is ready to display or make into a card.

Friday, March 28, 2014

DIY Sand Art Sugar Cookie Cake

These giant cookies turned out so pretty decorated with colorful sanding sugar. Edible sand art, these cookie cake are fun to make and eat. My two older boys loved sprinkling and spreading colored sugar all over their own cookie cake.

You can use any sugar cookie recipe you like. I actually ended up using 1 1/2 batch of my yellow cake mix cookies, spread out between two 9 inch cake pans. This sugar cookie recipe made with real butter, would probably be even tastier, or use your own favorite sugar cookie recipe.

After you have mixed up your sugar cookie dough, spread evenly in cake pan(s). Then sprinkle with lots of colorful sugar to decorate however you like. Pastel colors are great for Easter,but by changing up the sanding sugar pallate you could customize these for any other holiday. You could even use stencils to make more distinct designs or letters if you wanted.


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