Today, my husband and I are pleased to announce the birth of our technological and paper “baby twins,” Greenfield Reading Cards and Guidebook to Early Reading: How We Taught Our Babies to Read! These projects have had a long, six-year gestation, starting even before the birth of our first child, and we are so happy to tell you all about them.
{Our Heart Behind Teaching Reading Early}
First, I want to tell you a little bit about our heart behind why we have chosen to teach our children to read very early, and why we want to help others do so as well. I have mentioned briefly on this blog that we teach our babies to read but haven’t covered it in depth. This is mainly because it is truly difficult to talk about how glad you are that your children have learned how to read at an incredibly young age without sounding arrogant and judgmental, or perhaps like a delusional lunatic.This is hard to do even “in real life” when people actually know us (and we apologize if we’ve ever offended any of our family and friends in our utter excitement), but it’s even harder to do on the internet when you can only see a small two-dimensional snippet of our lives.

Basically (like any parent) we want what we feel is best for our children, and early reading is a small piece in that puzzle for us. We want to help our children achieve the fullest possible potential for their lives, for them to have the most abundant life possible. By learning to read so young, their whole world opens up early and they have a firm foundation for learning for the rest of their lives.
Our Guidebook to Early Reading goes into great depth about why we started to teach our children to read early (and why you might want to consider it), but it boils down to the fact we could only see potential benefits and no downsides. So we decided to give it a try. We figured the worst that could happen was that he wouldn’t learn to read any earlier and that we would just be spending intentional time together with our son.
Today, our five-and-a-half-year-old can read college level material, our four-year-old can read fourth-sixth grade books, and our one-and-a-half-year-old can read more than one hundred words.
Want to see him read? Watch Aaron go from 11 months old and just learning to talk/read to five and a half and reading college level material in six minutes of video.
This process worked out beautifully for our family, and we see the benefits of early reading in many aspects of our sons’ lives. Now with our three early readers, we can still only see benefits to teaching reading early. Our boys are still little boys. They play. They make up nonsense. They watch videos (audible gasp). They fight, both play fighting and real fighting. They make mistake just like their parents. They have great imaginations and are incredibly creative. And they can also read! The older two can read for hours on their own. They can read instructions and directions all on their own so they can already do a little a schoolwork on their own without our help. They can already pursue their interests by reading about subjects they love on their own, which typically involve knights fighting dragons.
Do we think teaching reading early is the best option? Well, obviously, or we would have chosen differently for our own children, and I wouldn’t be excitedly rattling on to you about it. Do we think that teaching reading early could help any child unlock their fullest potential? Yes, we believe all children are extraordinary and this concept could literally revolutionize learning.
But at the end of the day, teaching reading early is not an issue of right or wrong. Parents are entrusted with the great responsibility of training up their child, but many of the specifics are left up to personal preference.
We love you regardless. We love you, even if you think we’re a bit mad for trying this approach. We love you even if you don’t like our products.
Want to learn more about early reading?
In our Guidebook to Early Reading we share why you should consider teaching reading early, explain the most common early reading theories, and illustrate how to practically incorporate early reading into your everyday life. This week only, you can get the PDF ebook completely free with the coupon code: GUIDEBOOKFREE
Greenfield Reading Cards is a powerful tool to help you teach your children to read. We’ve created over 1,000 cards (with more than 500 high quality beautiful photos) along with interactive games to help make teaching reading easier.
Also in celebration of our launch this week we are offering 50% off of Reading Cards (which automatically includes our ebook free) with the coupon code: READINGCARDS50
Offers end at the end of the week (March 29).
We’ve done the research and the prep work for you.
Are you ready to unlock your child’s potential?
We’d love to hear from you if you have any questions.
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