

Our Family October 2012
The Do It Yourself Mom is kind of a misnomer because I can't even take a breath without grace from Above. But with God's help, I love trying to make more things that I once would have just bought from a store.

As a kid I had a really hard time choose what I wanted to be when I grew up, because I wanted to do everything. I settled on nursing because I thought it combined the most fields (science and art, math and people skills) and got my BSN.

I'll always be pleased to say I am a nurse, but even more glad that He decided who I should be when I grow up, someone called mom. Mom's have the ultimate combination of professions: nurse, chef, consular, accountant, artist, janitor, teacher, repairman, chauffeur, seamstress, interior decorator, and more. This is great because now I have an excuse to be a Jill of all trades, even if I am master of none yet. You might be able to tell by my blogging that I still have varied interests.

I am married to a wonderful man, who is an incredibly intelligent internet do-it-yourself'er. He is a self taught web developer (which seems to run in his genes), with a Bachelors in English, so he is definitely my go to guy for help around here, as well as around the house.

We have three amazing little boys, Aaron (4½) and Andrew (3), and Alexander born in China in October of 2012 (here is his birth story). Contrary to popular belief Aaron and Andrew really are not twins. Both continually amaze us, but in very different ways.

Feel free to drop by and hang out with us anytime. If you do stop by unannounced though you must promise not to trip on the toys and overlook the crumbs on the floor.

Dropping by right now will also probably be easiest to do over the internet since we are living in China right now trying to learn a new language and culture. It is rather humbling to have to have help for simple things like speaking or paying bills, but it is fun and exciting at the same time.
Mother's Day 2012
Aaron 4, Andrew 2.5,
Baby #3 20 weeks

Feel free to hang out and learn along with me about do it yourself projects, cooking, teaching little ones, Mandarin and Chinese culture, wedding stuff, and our family as long or short as you like. Maybe we'll have a good laugh along the way.

Our Family (Mother's Day 2011)
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